The “COVID-19 Response Committee Report: June 15, 2020” was developed by a team of choral professionals from across the country, and with expertise and experience in choral education and conducting in a variety of choral settings including K-12 schools, colleges and universities, community choirs, and places of worship.
ACDA National President Lynne Gackle noted, “These committee members are choral directors, not medical experts, so this report will not provide scientific findings or recommendations. Rather, these directors have shared their thoughts about the next steps for planning for choirs in the fall and what considerations should be made within each context whether the instructional scenario is face-to-face, hybrid, or remote. I am so grateful for the willingness of these colleagues to share their time, talent, and wisdom in the creation of this unified response and detailed resource on behalf of ACDA.”
“We endeavor,” stated the committee members, “to provide resources for all choral musicians, to advocate for ourselves and our profession, to guide our thinking with sample instructional models, and to point us in the direction of additional information.” They continued, “Primarily, we encourage all to continue to ensure that all singers are given equal access to participate fully in your programs, understanding that for so many, choir is their safety net, their source of emotional wellbeing and support.”